Friday, December 02, 2005

Up the

I drive past this apartment block in Auckland on my way to work.

It's called Cittá - this is the Italian word for city, only with the accent the wrong way round, it should be Città.

While they were changing the accents to help the graphic design, I wonder if they considered using a French-style cedilla accent, as in: Çitta. That would be pronounced - Shitter.


Aucklander At Large said...

I love the "Plenty of Parking" note at the end. That is so fucking Auckland - there should be limits on how much parking Central City apartments have, not enough for a four-car/SUV family.

Rich said...

I'd suggest that people only contribute to congestion and pollution when they *use* their cars - and that city dwellers will probably keep the car in the garage much of the time. Wheres a Dannemora family could have four cars and (have to) drive all of them 50km each day to get to work school.

Given our lack of a usable intercity rail network, I'd suggest expecting people to live without a car is a bit of a big ask.

Aucklander At Large said...

Isn't living without a car the whole idea of inner-city living? That would have been my interpretation anyway.

Rich said...

If you never leave the inner city..